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디아블로2 프레임 드랍 해결

by 호시노루리 2018. 5. 29.

다운로드 Wrapper


For Sven's Wrapper, launch glide-init.exe. Go to settings.

For fullscreen:

  • Uncheck window-mode
  • Uncheck keep aspect ratio
  • Set static size to no
  • Check desktopresolution
  • Click Quit and launch the game using a shortcut (make a shortcut to Diablo II.exe -> rclick -> properties -> Shortcut tab) with the Target:

    "C:<path to your Diablo folder>\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -3dfx

    You can also add the parameters -sndbkg -skiptobnet after -3dfx if you want sound when tabbed out of the game and to skip the blizzard logo intro when you start the game.

    You probably also want to go to the Compatibility tab and check Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)

For windowed mode:

  • Check window-mode
  • Uncheck captured mouse
  • Uncheck keep aspect ratio
  • Set static size to no
  • Check window extras

    Launch the game using a shortcut as described above in the fullscreen section. Drag the window wherever you like and resize it to your liking. Note that the top border acts as the title bar to move the window and the title bar itself doesn't do anything.

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